
About Us

Our Story

We are trying to build the world’s largest community in the domain of Authentic Panchakarma. The largest inclusive community of Panchakarma providers,  travellers, tour operators, doctors, and patients who have taken treatments to support and help each other before planning their next Panchakarma Trip. 

Why such a community ?

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic Treatment. The treatment has evolved and fine tuned over the last 5000 years. However, after the advent of the new concept of medical tourism and digital marketing, the authentic panchakarma seems unattainable to the common man. 

This is a community to for everyone who would like to take Panchakarma as a medical therapy.  We invite all stakeholders to join and contribute to this venture. 

How we are different

There are hundreds of websites and thousands of tour operators who are there to give advice on panchakarma trip. But look closely, and these are commission based businesses, promoting a their clients (panchakarma centres who offer between 20% to 30% of billed amount). 

However, what we do is different. We are trying to build a community for authentic panchakarma. No Middlemen, No Commission. Only stakeholders. 

Who’s leading the team ? 

Members of community from around the world who volunteer to take up the responsibilities involved in maintaining this community are chosen to lead. They ensure the smooth running of this community. We have a very large group of committed individuals and well-wishers from the Ayurvedic Industry and travel industry. 


You guys are doing great work ! How do I Join your team ? 

As part of building the community, we are looking for volunteers who feel confident that they can support our cause. Your qualification is your passion towards the Panchakarma Community. If you feel that you can contribute to the community, do drop a mail to [email protected]